Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Wow, Thanks For All The Woo!

I appreciate everyone's positive comments and karma from my last post. All the woo seems to be woo-rking. (Sorry, couldn't resist).

I went on Clomid, which thankfully had none of the side effects you read about (crankiness, grumpiness, headaches, ovary aches). Before the pills, I took another day three blood test, which this month showed my estradiol was actually lower than previous months (which is good. The grandma ovaries apparently wax and wane with the aging, and a lower number means it's more of a Botox month: things look good when the estradiol is low.) My FSH numbers always seem to be in good shape, too.

After swallowing Clomid for five days, I had another round of blood tests this morning to see if the Clomid actually worked. On day ten of the cycle, this bloodwork measures the estradiol levels again, as well as the FSH levels. My FSH levels stayed the same, which means they aren't working overtime to produce an egg (this is a good thing, as FSH overtime means your body is working too hard and you may be closer to menopause.) But the best news is that my estradiol level soared. This means that the Clomid worked, and that my ovaries (woo! woo!) are actually gearing up the egg production.

Now I start peeing on sticks once a day to see when I ovulate, then rush to the doctor's office the next day for some mechanical mating, the IUI procedure.

And to bring this on topic to diabetes, I noticed this week that I was craving bad food. One day, I bought two Hershey bars and a bag of M&Ms from the office vending machine, and I haven't done that in years. Another day I ate a white-flour wrap for lunch and was high all afternoon. Typically I eat pretty healthily, high fiber and veggies and all, but damn, this week it was like, bring on the crap. Not sure what that's all about, and I've seen a few blood sugars these week that look like bad SAT scores, but I expect that's over with if the IUI happens in the next week or so.


BetterCell said...

Might the M&M's and Hershey Bar and "other foods" be a result of the union of sperm&egg?

Penny Ratzlaff said...

woo woo, way to go ovaries!!!

Lyrehca said...

Nah, BetterCell--not unless it's been the immaculate conception!

Anonymous said...

If your body's not used to the hormonal fluctuations of egg production & release, it could be that--it changes your insulin sensitivity which always has a huge effect on my appetite. There are certain days of the month where I eat all crap, only crap--I've learned to adjust both my expectations and my basal rate. ;)

Good luck!

Nicole P said...

That's the ticket, ovaries! Looking forward to good news soon, C.

Erica said...

I'm afraid to jinx anything so I'll keep it short - I'm soooooo rooting for you!

Major Bedhead said...

Whooo! Cheering on the various and sundry applicable parts.

And if you really want to satisfy a chocolate urge, go buy yourself a Five Star bar from Lake Champlain Chocolates. They sell them at Whole Foods. I have a Fruit & Nut bar in my handbag right now and it's screaming my name.....